Great update to ver 1.3

Added callable elements which possible to receive incoming data.

For any Arduino projects with bluetooth module HC-05, HC-06


You can setup your layout with any control elements, buttons, switches, checkboxes. Drag and drop it, rename and resize it.Setup string command wich will send via bluetooth. Toggles and switches has two commands for each state.

Terminal console

Also you get command line and terminal view wich together work like a console. All incoming and outgoing messages will display in terminal view. And like other control elements, terminal view movable and resizable. Command line can be swich off if you not need it.

Save your layouts

You can create as many layouts as you need. You can switch between them during connection with your bluetooth module not losing connection. For example you can configure one layout as remotes with buttons and other layout as terminal where you can read returning messages from your device.

What's New

  • ver 1.3 Added callable elements which possible to receive incoming data.
    Analyze incoming data from your device using a graph, LED and indicator. Now you can receive command from Arduino back to your terminal and handle it with this elements.
    Diode can change it's color, indicator can show incoming value, graph show history from incoming values. In settings of this elements you can find which command your controller must send if you want this element handle it.
  • ver 1.2.3 Fixed bug with drawer menu when open keyboard.
  • ver 1.2.2 Fixed bug with resize and move to abroad of screen.
  • ver 1.2.1 Change Logo.
  • ver 1.2
    Added slider. Now you can control RGB Led, servo, and other PWM output via slider.
  • ver 1.1
    Added the ability to create any number of configurations. You can easily switch between them.
  • ver 1.0
    Drag and drop any control elements as you need. All elements resizable and configurable. Set up command for each one. Toggle buttons and switches has two commands for each state. Support HC-05, HC-06 modules. Terminal has three color theme.